Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hairball Bowling

Cat and it's hairball bowling for pelicans....


I got a spare 3 times and 2 strikes... a league of my own!

A toy company is releasing Teacher Barbie. Apparently it's like Malibu Barbie, only she can't afford the corvette.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Silly Blonde Joke #2984

A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals.
She proudly said, "Go ahead, ask me, I know all of them!"

Her friend said, "O.K., what's the capital of Wisconsin?"

The blonde replies, "Oh, that's easy! W."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener(mobile)
that is what I truly want to be--e--EE...
Cuz if I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener(mobile)
Everyone would want a ride on Me--e--EE....


Trivia Library

Need a conversation opener?

This is the place for YOU!


World Meters

a very cool site that uses your computer clock to predict the current statistics of the world.


Kid singing in Tub

Kid + Tub + Fart+= xyz2

You do the math:


University of Route 66

It's the Mother Road...Main Street America

Take the tour, enroll in the university of Route 66 and Us 66...learn something today


Monday, July 18, 2005

Punch and Judy Moments?

Ever feel like slapping some famous person or politician silly?


Go for it! Click on a name and when their picture pops up, click on it to slap them...the more you click the more potent the punch...

Missing Socks?

You're in luck! No they aren't in the Dryer.

The Bureau of Missing Socks has found them.


Want to be a Cabbage?

Or other exotic leafy substance?


Warning...it takes all of 2 seconds and is as boring as cole slaw

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Virtual Smoke Break

Trying to quit smoking? Take a break at:


It's healthier for you.

Gum Blondes

Toronto artist Jason Kronenwald creates portraits of beautiful women out of lovely munched and slobbered bubblegum on a board.

Contains provocativeness and spit.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Life of a McDonald Burger Guy

Try the life of a McDonalds employee here:

it's not all pickles


Be sure to shake it up!


Friday, July 15, 2005

Tattoo Baby Doll Project

This is a collaboration between Sherri Wood and female tattoo artists from across the country that combines embroidery and tattoo as a vehicle to explore the images and roles that define and empower women today.


Hey I did this project once when I was 7...markers and a Barbie..now that was art.

Lite Brite

Always wanted one as a kid? Now you can have your own...online that is!


Larger than Life


some say my ex-fiance's ego is on this site...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bert is Evil

Who killed JFK? Bert did!


Ripley's Believe it or Not IQ Test

can you get rid of all the balls?


I get all but 2 !!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Throw that Paper

...but not at me!


my top score was 3

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bushku Generator

It's BUSHKU, poppie!
Bushku use a 3-5-3 syllable form, 'cause 5-7-5 is too darn complexicated, Laura.


My Bushku:

white war calls
sun flops... old door lies
floor shakes... clear

Totem Generator

A totem animal can stay with you a lifetime, an eternity, or just as long as it needs or wishes to.


My Totem:

Spider - If we were ever to find life on an alien planet, surely it could be no weirder than the spider. If you have ever seen baby spiders launching themselves from the nest on their mini parachutes, you would be hard pressed to think of anything more awesomely touching.

The spider also holds the secret of the silk, the toughest fibrous substance known to Nature. The spider's patience in spinning the web and waiting there for a aerial gift is legendary, and the spider will share the secrets of this marvellous patience with you.

The spider is also an astral dreamer, and can take you on incredible journeys through outer space. If you show dedication, courage and honour then the spider will show you unimaginable wonders.

You should certainly never kill a spider, nor allow anyone else to do so.

(Oh crap..I'm in trouble. I've killed plenty of them)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Save Toby?

Looks like he got an extention on life... and now there's a book to milk.

Personally I think if he waits much longer, the rabbit will be tough as whit leather to eat.


If Women Controlled the World


Run... fast as you can...

Making over Mona Lisa

This is fun...for a few mins.
The random gallery is good for some chucks.
